
As is likely to be obvious to readers of this web site, also called a "blog", I am a big fan of GNU/Emacs and, particularly, org-mode.

I use org-mode for all my writings, and all my information analyses. The posts and pages of this web site are all written with org-mode. My CV is prepared in org-mode before being converted to PDF.

For a long time, all the non-work presentations I prepare are put together in org-mode, too. Until recently, I have used a feature of org-mode's export funtion to Latex called "beamer" to convert an org-mode file into a PDF presentation. It worked, but depended on a lot of specific latex-related software to be available to me, so it can be hard to set up to use on a new machine.

I had heard of org-reveal some time ago, and tried briefly to figure out how it worked, leaving it aside until about 2 weeks ago, when I tried again. Org-reveal converts an org-mode file (or region) into an HTML file that incorporates reveal.js to make it a presentation. I recommend downloading the demos from both those sites to get a good feeling for what they are about.

By using org-reveal, I need only load the ox-reveal.el emacs-lisp file into my GNU/Emacs session, and I can generate a reveal.js-using HTML file to be my presentation, which I can then open with a standards-compliant web-browser. I don't need additional software to generate the file. The reveal.js code isn't required to generate the HTML file (unless you're using the single-file option of org-reveal), it just needs te be available to the browser.

Seriously, go check it out.

It comes with a slight problem, though. Grid layouts aren't immediately obvious, and the developer of org-reveal suggests using tables, which isn't ideal for my requirements.

So I've put together an approach that is a little more to my liking.

I created a CSS file (see below) that makes use of "flexbox" for laying out a grid. I am no CSS expert, so I don't know if flexbox is the best approach – please let me know if there is a better one.

In this CSS file, I define two top-level classes:

for a slide that is to be composed of columns of information.
for a slide that is to be composed of rows of information.

So, if you wanted to create a slide for org-reveal that will be composed of columns of information, add a #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS setting to your org-mode file pointing to where you have these classes defined, and then use the following in your slide:

#+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_columns>
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>

If, however, you wanted your slide to be composed of rows of information, you would use the class gridded_frame_with_rows instead.

I then defined the following "inner" classes:

You would use this to defined the column for information in a two-column slide.
This is for each of the columns in a 3-column slide.
This is for a row in a two-row slide. I didn't define a row for a 3-row slide, because I don't see myself using such a thing.
This is for a column that I might want to divide further into rows.
This is for a row that I might want to divide further into columns; two columns or three.

For these last two classes, I would then use 2 or more of the first three to manage the information within them.

Here are some examples of gridded slides:

  • A slide with two columns of information:

    #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_columns">
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
      The first column's information goes here.
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
      The first column's information goes here.
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
  • A slide with two rows of information:

    #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_rows">
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
      The first row's information goes here.
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
      The second row's information goes here.
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
  • A slide with three columns of information:

    #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_columns">
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
      The first column's information goes here.
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
      The second column's information goes here.
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
      The third column's information goes here.
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
  • A slide with two columns of information, the first of which has two rows:

    #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_columns">
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns column_with_rows">
      #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
       The information for the first row in the first column goes here
      #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
      #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
       The information for the second row in the first column goes here
      #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
     #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
      The information for the second column goes here
     #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>

The full set of possible arrangements is as follows:

  • 2 columns
  • 3 columns
  • 2 rows
  • 2 or 3 columns, where one, two or all three of them are divided into 2 rows.
  • 2 rows, either one of which, or both, are divided into 2 or 3 columns.

Code samples

Here are samples that you can use, which you should expand or modify for your own tastes.

  • The CSS file (called, for example, grids.css):

    .gridded_frame_with_columns {
        display: flex;
        flex-flow: row;
    .gridded_frame_with_rows {
        display: flex;
        flex-flow: column;
    .one_of_2_columns {
        width: 50%;
    .one_of_3_columns {
        width: 33%;
    .column_with_rows {
        display: flex;
        flex-grow: auto;
        flex-flow: column;
    .row_with_columns {
        display: flex;
        flex-flow: row;
    .one_of_2_rows {
        height: 50%;
  • An example org-file that uses org-reveal and these CSS settings

    #+TITLE: Test for gridding
    # <Where the reveal.js project
    # (https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js.git) is cloned/copied to>
    #+REVEAL_ROOT: reveal.js
    #+REVEAL_INIT_OPTIONS: transition:'none', margin: 0.1
    #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: grids.css
    * Columns
    ** Title and 2 content columns
       #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_columns">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
         A left list
         - [ ] First
         - [X] Second
         - [ ] Third
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
       #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    ** Title and 3 content columns
       #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_columns">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
         First names
         - Sextus
         - Gaius
         - Gnaeus
         - Lucius
         - Quintus
         - Publius
         - Appius
         - Mamercus
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
         Family Names
         - Patrician
           + Julius
           + Claudius
           + Cornelius
         - Plebian
           + Marius
           + Tullius
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
         - Caesar -- "Hairy"
         - Calvus -- "Bald"
         - Pictor -- "Painter"
         - Africanus -- "of Africa"
         - Nero -- "Strong"
         - Paetus -- "Squinty"
         - Paullus -- "Small"
         - Scaeva -- "left-handed"
         - Caecus -- "Blind"
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
       #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    ** Title and 2 content columns, left column being 2 blocks
       #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_columns">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns column_with_rows">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
       #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    * Rows
    ** Title and 2 content rows
       #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_rows">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
       #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    ** Title and 2 content rows, lower row being 2 blocks
       #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_rows">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_rows">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="row_with_columns">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
          A left list
          - [ ] First
          - [X] Second
          - [ ] Third
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
          A right list
          - [ ] First
          - [X] Second
          - [ ] Third
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
       #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    * Grids
    ** Title and 2x2 content blocks - 2 outer rows
       #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_rows">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="row_with_columns">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
          This is the first column in the first row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
          This is the second column in the first row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="row_with_columns">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
          This is the first column in the second row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_2_columns">
          This is the second column in the second row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
       #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
    ** Title and 2 rows of 3 blocks
       #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="gridded_frame_with_rows">
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="row_with_columns">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
          This is the first column in the first row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
          This is the second column in the first row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
          This is the third column in the first row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="row_with_columns">
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
          This is the first column in the second row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
          This is the second column in the second row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
         #+REVEAL_HTML: <div class="one_of_3_columns">
          This is the third column in the second row.
         #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
        #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
       #+REVEAL_HTML: </div>
  • A working example:

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